All children are unique and need to feel special. Tiny Tots students enjoy a small group experience where they are seen and heard on a personal basis many time each day.
Our Philosophy
Tiny Tots believes that a small group atmosphere is a great advantage for young children living overseas within a multi-cultural, multi-lingual environment because:

Our philosophy

Tiny Tots believes that a small group atmosphere is a great advantage for young children living overseas within a multi-cultural, multi-lingual environment because:

All children must be treated as individual. Tiny Tots teachers view all children as special and take time to know each child personally, offer suggestion, support, give directions and rein force positive behaviors to support their overall growth and development.
All children seek independence and autonomy. Teachers at Tiny Tots support the development of independent thinking processes. Children are provided the opportunities to actively participate in the classroom through daily tasks, personal routines, making choices and decisions. Children are given opportunities to be leaders in their class groups.
Tiny Tots believes strongly in creating a learning environment where each child can feel successful. Children want to do their best and we create a classroom and school environment where they feel valued and supported to build on each accomplishment. We value the development of the whole child.