Pre-School Program

(3-4 years old)


Language and literacy

· Use language to express emotions
· Use language to engage in play with others and solve problems
· Identify upper- and lower-case alphabet letters
· Identify some sight words and tell stories to match pictures in books
· phonics awareness


· Number recognition
· Use of classification, seriation and one-to-one correspondence
· Use hands-on science activities to investigate, create and test theories
· Develop concepts of and use addition and subtraction
· Environmental awareness
· Simple logic problem solving


· Develop active participation as a member of a community of learners
· Develop positive self-awareness and confidence in learning
· Develop positive and healthy life practices
· Express feelings appropriately
· Express positive sense of self and others
· Develop world view of family and culture

Physical development

· Develop and enhance gross motor skills
· Develop and enhance fine motor skills
· Develop confidence and competence in physical skills
· Develop eye-hand coordination and cross-lateral movement

How Tiny Tots Curriculum supports learning

Language and literacy

· Teacher led story times
· Teacher model use of appropriate English
· Child-initiated storytelling
· Baking
· Music and singing
· Games and creative arts encourage use of language to listen, follow directions and play with others
· Chinese language classes


· Hands-on math and science activities
· Baking
· Teacher-led games of counting, grouping and sorting
· Shapes and color activities
· Following directions for music and movement
· Use of graphs and charts to quantify information
· Measuring and comparing similarities and differences


· Teacher and child-initiated games
· Show and Tell and sharing
· Music and movement
· Discussions on manners, hygiene and self-help skills
· Classroom leadership opportunities
· World Exploration
· Music and Theatre

Physical development

· Outside play
· Teacher directed games
· Throwing, catching, kicking and cycling
· Dance
· Construction, Legos, manipulatives
· Puzzles