kindergarten Program

(5-6 years old)


Language and literacy

· Demonstrates use of language to express thoughts, feelings and needs
· Develop ability to follow multi-step, detailed instructions
· Listens to, uses and understands increasingly complex language
· Demonstrates emergent writing skills
· Identifies and names most upper- and lower-case letters
· Experience the joy of writing and reading
· Comprehends and responds to stories and books


· Demonstrates counting skills
· Beginning to understand number operations such as addition and subtraction
· Learning ordinal counting
· Develop ability to count back or by groups (skip counting)
· Use numbers to measure and compare
· Ability to use estimation vocabulary
· Recognize, create and explain complex patterns of numbers, shapes, colors, etc.
· Using scientific inquiry to organize information and make comparisons


· Can regulate strong emotions and behaviors
· Demonstrates confidence and competence in self-help skills, meeting own needs and asking for help
· Expresses empathy and support to peers
· Demonstrates ability to follow routines and shows flexibility with changes
· Sustains positive interactions with small group of peers and works cooperatively
· Identifies self as a successful learner

Physical development

· Demonstrate gross motor manipulative skills such as throwing and catching
· Demonstrate flexible motor movements and balance
· Demonstrate use of refined finger and wrist movement
· Can hold writing tools with a three-point finger grip
· Demonstrates coordination in complex movements during play

How Tiny Tots Curriculum supports learning

Language and literacy

· Teacher-led storytelling and reading
· Music and Theatre
· Puzzles, books and games
· Arts and crafts
· Journaling and story dictation
· Writing and reading
· Creating lists of sight words
· Baking
· Show and Tell
· Public Speaking
· Chinese language classes


· Baking
· Logic problems
· Construction and building
· Music and movement
· Puzzles
· Graphing and charts
· Teacher-guided games and problem solving
· Science exploration


· World Exploration
· Guided play and games
· Creative arts and crafts
· Show and tell
· Dance
· Imaginative play
· Music and Theatre
· Storytelling and story dictation
· Family events
· Baking

Physical development

· Outdoors free play
· Teacher guided games
· Dance
· Music and Theatre
· Puzzles and games
· Construction and building
· Journal writing and illustrating